Everything you need to know about Building a Phone list for Marketing

When you’re using your phone marketing campaign for lead generation, the list that you are calling is one of the most crucial components.

Simply put: If you’re calling the wrong people, you’re setting yourself up to fail. Since accurate phone marketing targeting plays such a huge role in the success of your campaign, we strongly advise against using contact lists (or target lists) that are purchased from a list broker; normally these ‘instant solutions’ are swiftly followed by instant failure.

Realistically, list brokers will sell the same list to numerous different people, the call recipients will most probably be tired of receiving calls and there’s no way to guarantee that any percentage of these people are likely to be interested in your product.

Even though it may seem daunting, the best option for your business is to cultivate your own marketing list. In order to do this you need to dedicate the time to conducting detailed research.



  • Identify the type of client that your product or service is best suited to. There may be more than one type of industry that your product or service is suited to. The first step is to try to get a clear picture of exactly who your phone marketing needs to target. This will dictate your future steps, so think it through carefully and ensure that you identify your target market properly.
  • Join appropriate associations. Very often, individuals from a particular industry will create their own associations. These can take the form of structured associations or online groups. Become a member of associations that your product or service is suited to and market your product or service to those association members.
  • Attend Tradeshows. Try to locate tradeshows within your relevant niche and attend them. The tradeshow attendees list will serve as a useful tool in building your call list as the individuals you’re reaching are significantly more likely to be interested in the product or service you’re offering. Learn more about how to follow up on leads for tradeshows here
  • Utilize online business directories. Online business directories can be used together with robotic software, or data scraping software to help you find relevant clients. This process can be very tedious and so Voicelogic offers this service for free to our clients, depending on the complexity and purchase volume or VoiceLogic services. Some popular online business directories are Crunchbase.com and Manta.com. Local governments sometimes also provide a list of companies within their state for free.


phone marketing research


Generally, putting more effort into compiling your target list will result in greater success in your sales calls. This is because you’re reaching people who are interested in your product or service, and they are more likely to be people your competitors have not already contacted, which means they will be more willing to listen to you.

Your target list should be aimed at a particular industry, this helps to ensure that your script or sales pitch will be relevant to the industry. If you need to target multiple industries then you can group them separately and ensure that you modify your pitch or script to keep it relevant to the different industry. Be particularly careful when including industry specific jargon or vernacular.


sign up sheet

Finally, you should have a subscription section on your website where interested parties can opt into your call list by providing their contact info. It is much more effective if you offer some sort of incentive to do this, as this makes it much more likely that a website visitor will take the time to complete the form and give you the necessary information. This is generally a slower method of gathering your target list and so, ideally, it should not be the only method you use. Research has shown that having the contact list opt in on every page of your site makes it more likely that users will actually use it, rather than pop-ups which are generally seen as annoying.

There you have it, everything you need to know about building the perfect phone marketing list. Once you have your list all set, you can contact VoiceLogic and let us do the calling or ringless voicemail drops for you, making it easier and faster to reach your target list!

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