Email Marketing Vs. SMS Marketing?

SMS Messaging

Whether a company is offering a product or a service to their clients, they also are trying to figure out which marketing avenue will give them the highest ROI for their advertising efforts. If someone was to market to their customers in 1995 it would consist of going through the traditional marketing channels such as: Print, Radio and Television. However in 2018, the digital world has fully taken over and now there are more ways than ever to reach your potential customers.

In the 2000s Email marketing was one of the most used marketing campaign tools that companies pursued. With strict spam laws being introduced, companies are now trying to figure out new ways of marketing, and one of the most effective that companies have newly discovered is SMS (Text) Marketing.


Three Reasons why SMS Marketing Campaigns are getting a higher success rate than Email Marketing Campaigns:

SMS is the fastest way to get a Short Message into the hands of your potential user.1. SMS Marketing Gets to the Point

Do you know what SMS stands for? It means Short Message Service. Once you target customers with a SMS that is a short informational message, you will have a successful campaign. If you are trying to discuss 10 different sale opportunities, then you will simply become spam on the phone!  SMS is the fastest way to get a Short Message into the hands of your potential user. Whether it used as a promotional technique or as a reminder for an upcoming appointment, it’s always best to keep the message short and concise.

If you are trying to promote a bunch of Spring products/services then it is best to use email marketing as you can give a more thorough explanation of what you are trying to promote. One of the main disadvantages of using Email Marketing is that an average employee receives 90 emails a day! That’s a lot of emails you have to go through. Generally when you realize one of the emails you received is of a promotion, you instantly close it as you have to respond/work on other emails in your inbox. Emails are generally business/work focused and individuals are now filtering through their subscriptions!

Open rate of SMS Marketing Messages averages around 85%2. SMS Marketing has a higher open rate!

Did you know that the open rate of SMS Marketing Messages averages around 85%, according to many studies. That is a very high open rate compared to direct mailing and email marketing. The average open mail for companies on email sent to individuals is approximately 10%. That is a 75% difference on the success rate of your message/email being opened.

With email marketing you are able to reach a wider audience for a cheaper cost, however it is becoming an ineffective tool as many people are receiving over 100 emails a day. With the difference in success rates, you also have to understand the difference in costs as SMS Marketing is more costly compared to Email Marketing however you do have to measure your ROI.

The benefit of conducting SMS Marketing is that there are no spam Filters!3. SMS Messaging has no spam Filters!

With the internet spamming laws being so proactive it has also created a lot of extra security for email providers such as Gmail, Hotmail any many others. Even though an individual may have subscribed to receive your newsletter/promotional email, their email service might consider your email Spam. This is a problem for many companies as the server’s cannot determine between Spam and Junk Mail.

The benefit of conducting SMS Marketing is that there are no spam Filters! There is no way for your phone’s messaging service to filter something into Junk/Spam so you have a higher reception rate and open rate. The text messaging laws are just as strict as the email spam laws, however once a subscriber relays their information you are allowed to contact!


With the effectiveness, a higher open rate and with having no spam filters SMS Marketing will keep surging as one of the most efficient ways of marketing to your clients. Get in touch with one of our reps at Voicelogic and we will assist in establishing the best way for you to connect with your clients!

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