(here’s how to deal with it)
FTC has changed the voice broadcasting laws as of September 2009. You will need written permission from the recipient before sending a voice broadcast message to them.
Companies that relied on voice broadcasting need to find an alternative with similar cost structure and speed of delivery.
Luckily, there is a solution. A new service called voicemail courier makes it possible to resume mass communication with a pre-recorded message, as a legal alternative to voice broadcasting. The results you were getting with voice broadcasting will be the same with the use of voicemail courier.
This method of mass communication is legal because a live person interacts with each call and message delivery, thereby satisfying the new voice broadcasting laws. Each pre-recorded message is delivered with a live introduction.
Additionally, a “press 1” feature is also available during message delivery, which will transfer the call back to your sales team.
Voicelogic will guarantee voicemail courier is legal and within the confines of the FTC voice broadcasting laws.
This service uses proprietary software developed by Voicelogic.com. This voice broadcasting alternative has been available since 2004. Voicemail courier is more intelligent than a voice broadcast because it handles receptionists, phone menus, dial-by-name directories, and phone extensions, to deliver your message
Please call us for precise details.
Live Staff: At Voicelogic, we will always have a live person here to answer your call, to service your needs, or to assist with your campaign. We are open from 7 am to 12 midnight each day, where you may speak live to your campaign representative, accounting dept, or to the operations center, to help you with your campaign.