• Trial / test campaigns.
  • No lock-in contract
  • Zero programming fees
  • Start your campaign within hours.
  • Get daily reports charting your progress.
  • Receive your leads as they are discovered.
  • Reduce sales cycle, & expedite production.
  • Lead Generation & Script Assistance.

What you get

  • Free script advice.
  • Free script modification.
  • Fast  service, with low cost.
  • Start your campaign in 48 hours.
  • Get daily advice on campaign success.
  • Get  daily reports charting your progress.
  • Free voice talent to record your message.

VoiceMail Courier® Service

What is VoiceMail Courier® ?

VoiceMail Courier® is a call center service that will deposit your marketing sales message into the voice mail of your customer  or  prospect.

Developed, due to shortcomings of sales  calls encountering voicemail 80% of the time, instead of a preferred live individual. Our service consists of live agents, in our call center,  that personally courier your recorded voice message into the voicemail of  the target client.

Our agents, manually navigate past the reception or gate keeper, to reach every individuals mail box, on your list.  At the press of a button, the agents will manually activate message playback into each target mail box. Your message will have been personally couriered to its destination mail box, one phone number at a time, delivering a message with your voice.

VoiceMail Courier® call center is not an auto-dialer or voice broadcast service. VoiceMail Courier®, is a call center used for marketing, lead generation, or message notification.

Why use VoiceMail Courier® ?

Phone  calling a target customer, who never answers the phone, can be very time consuming. Don’t waste your time manually dialing customers, only to find yourself in their voice mail.  Almost 85% of your outbound sales calls, or  retention calls never reach a live person.

But, don’t get frustrated with voicemail jail, take advantage of it.  Most of your staff can only make 50 to 70 sales calls per day. VoiceMail Courier® call center liberates you from the repetitive monotony of outbound calling, and repeating another message, into a customer’s  voice mail box.
Maximize your time wisely by entertaining  in-bound customer calls, instead of manually dialing outbound customer  calls.

Focus on what you do best. Eliminate mundane activities such as;

  • Manually dialing phone numbers,
  • Ringing the phone,
  • Waiting for an answer,
  • Negotiating with reception,
  • Be put on hold,
  • Wait for the right party to attend the phone, etc
  • Get thrown into voicemail
  • Verbally repeat the same  message into voice mail … again.

All this costs valuable  time, and  delays  your selling cycle. Pay your sales staff to negotiate and close the sale on an inbound call.  Spend less time on outbound calls. You and your competition are calling the same clients. Expedite your outbound campaigns with unprecedented speed. Beat your competition to the client’s door step. Getting through to the client first, with a clear message, will give you the advantage.

VoiceMail Courier® costs less than a traditional Call Center

  • There is no live script to read repetitively, so human intervention is reduced, and so is cost.
  • One agent can make 1000 calls per day, a traditional call center cannot.
  • Your message is delivered,  with your voice, as if you made the actual call. A traditional call center does not operate this way. Traditional call centers charge by the hour, and would prefer to recite each message into voice mail,to incurr  additional hourly costs.
  • No surprise invoices since we charge per call, , so your costs are predetermined in advance of your campaign.
  • Your delivered message is always exactly the same, without variance.

What is VoiceMail Courier® used for ?

  • Follow-up to a direct mail campaign
  • Cold calling potential customers
  • Customer  retention and appreciation calls
  • Reminders of  live events and web seminars
  • Mass deliver a specific voice such as that of a CEO, or President
  • Mass disseminate timely or critical information on short notice.
  • Verify phone numbers that are active or out-of-service.
  • Promote traffic  to your web site
  • Generate sales leads
  • Voicemail Marketing
  • Event Marketing
  • Increase Web Seminar attendance
  • Expedite your customer  prospecting campaign by thousands of messages per day.

Best of all, the client will never know you used VoiceMail Courier® call center, because the message delivered can be with your own recorded voice.

How VoiceMail Courier® came to be

Due to FCC changes in the fax broadcasting industry, such as the do not fax laws, and the do not call laws, companies could no longer use certain means of communication such as fax broadcasting, and voice broadcasting as a means of procuring new clients. Faced with the specific  absence of the fax broadcasting medium as an inexpensive means of finding new customers, sales people found themselves making manual cold calls in order to solicit new business.

During the sales cold call process, it was statistically measured that 80% of the phone calls were not answered by a live person, but instead were encountered with voicemail. Sales people  were forced to either;

  • leave a message, or
  • hang up and call back again, hoping to encounter a live person.

This cold call process can become a great waste of time. With the frustration of encountering  voicemail and repeating the same sales message, VoiceMail Courier® call center was developed to deal with this repetitive phone task.

Who can use VoiceMail Courier®?

  • Any company wishing to maximize on their outbound phone calls can use VoiceMail Courier® call center.
  • Any company using an existing outbound call center can reduce their costs by using VoiceMail Courier® call center.
  • Any company that has been affected by the FCC Fax broadcasting regulations can use VoiceMail Courier® call center.

Companies that require a sales message or event reminder message to be consistent, precisely worded, and mass delivered will advance with VoiceMail Courier® call center.

What is the success rate with VoiceMail Courier®?

VoiceMail Courier® call center is only a method of delivery. Your success rate will depend entirely on your message to the customer, your telephone list of the people you are calling, and the quality of your product or service.

The VoiceMail Courier® call center service will expedite and multiply your existing  success rate. VoiceMail Courier® call center will give you the advantage of speed over your competition.

What our VoiceMail Courier® agents will do

During the process of arriving at the target voice mailbox, our live VoiceMail Courier® call center agents  will handle every single outbound phone call, associated with any business telephone system. Our VMC agents  will encounter and deal with;

  • Switch board receptionist and
  • Personal assistants
  • Direct dial by number or extension
  • Dial by name directories
  • Being put on hold
  • Being screened by uncooperative attendants

What an Auto-Dialer system cannot do

VoiceMail Courier® call center operator does what an Auto-Dialer system cannot do;

  • Every call is logged and labeled with the exact event result of 22 possibilities
  • Overcome FCC regulations pertaining to auto-dialers.
  • Your message is delivered precisely, and consistently into any type of voice mail box
  • Your voice message is never played live, unless permission  granted.
  • Your reputation is never damaged with delivery of incomplete messages, or accidental live playback.
  • Your message is delivered only to the contact name you specify, and to no one else.  Auto dialers cannot make that selection.
  • Your message is re-directed to the new contact, in case the old contact name has changed.
  • VoiceMail Courier® call center operator can read a short script detailed with your instructions, pre delivery of your message.
  • VoiceMail Courier® call center agent  will guide, and pilot your message to the correct target contact

Why use Voice Mail as a medium?

  • People always listen to their voice mail, before deleting. You  will have a guaranteed listener-ship to your message.
  • Voice mail is not consuming fax paper or fax toner, and not intrusive.
  • Your own voice adds a human touch, is as persuasive as you want it to be, and very personal. Your clients will appreciate a personal call. A personal call carries more value than email or any other direct mail campaign.
  • Your clients will never know, you used VoiceMail Courier® call center to Clone your voice, and multiply your phone calling efforts.
  • VoiceMail Courier® call center costs less than your employee’s base pay.
  • VoiceMail Courier® call center is a faster campaign due to less training required and costs much less than your traditional call center.
  • No worries about inconsistent call center staff, every message is identical.
  • Email lists are very transient. Telephone numbers are more reliable and don’t change as often, therefore your campaign will be more successful with a phone list, instead of an email list.
  • You have been forced to encounter  voice mail. You have no control of the fact 80% of phone calls go to voice mail. Don’t be a victim of voice mail, use VoiceMail Courier® call center to overcome this negative, and turn it into a positive.

VoiceMail Courier® telephone number lists

We research and develop our own telephone number lists for your usage. If the list you need is not available, you can ask to have it researched.

The Process

Submit your campaign detail, in any format, via our online portal.

Our tech staff will receive and manage your data, list, script, and load it on to the servers for processing.

Your campaign is assigned to a managing representative, and begins within 48 hours.

Track your progress from the online dashboard.

Receive call reports that show an overview of your campaign, and detailed log reports with the exact outcome of every call.

Frequently asked questions

What is VoiceMail Courier?

VoiceMail Courier® call center is a guided voice message delivery system. We take a message recorded by you, and drop it inside everyone’s voice mail box. VoiceMail Courier® call center hand delivers your recorded business message straight to voicemail. This is not an Auto-dialer service.

How do you deliver a recorded message?

We dial every contact on a phone list.  We use live agents  to navigate the call, past the reception, and straight into a voice mail box. This process if often referred to as a voicemail drop, or  voicemail marketing.

How do I get started?

First, book your campaign
Then, record your message
Lastly, send us your phone contact list

How fast can my campaign start?

We need a 48 hour notice.

How many messages can you deliver?

We can deliver thousands of messages per day.

When do you make the calls?

We make our calls to satisfy your specific time frame

What is the message delivery success rate?

The success rate depends on your contact list, and the number of retries.

Where do I get a contact list of phone numbers to call?

You can use your own client list, or we can help you find a marketing list

Do I get any output after the job is finished?

Yes, you get a log report, and an exception report per job.
The reports show accurate details for every single call.

Who records the message?

You can record the message, but we have in-house staff that will do it free of charge.

What is the maximum length of the message?

Max length is 60 seconds, but we recommend 30 seconds.

What does the message sound like after its delivered?

Message quality is identical to your initial recording.

How many retries do you make per call in case it was busy?

As many retries as you need.

What are your call center hours of operation?

Generally 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., but we arrange to suit your needs.

How should my message be structured?

With VoiceMail Courier® call center, your message should have the following structure; Hello, its Jim Parker from XYZ company, I am calling to inform you about our great services. I think you will benefit greatly, and your return on investment will be realized very quickly. Please call me at xxx-xxxx when you have a moment to discuss your needs. Thank you.

What is the geographical coverage for VoiceMail Courier® call center?

VoiceMail Courier® call center coverage is across North America.

What is your delivery rate per day?

We can deliver thousands of messages per day.

Customer Quotes

“Using the voice mail service has helped us tremendously in driving attendance at our seminars and the automation allowed us to continue working with our clients one on one while the technology did the work of contacting hundreds of prospective clients at once”
Warm regards, Sean Shea
IT marketing manager

With your Voice Services, our client has experienced a 30% increase in calls and portrait studio appointments. You are by far, the most professional voice broadcasting company we have dealt with. Keep up the great work.
Andy Thomas,
Direct Marketing Company

Voicemail Courier worked extremely well with this marketing program. Registration to our Conference was up by 45% within days of the voice broadcasting being sent out.
Teresa Orofina,
Canadian Construction Company

I have received many calls from our members commenting on the Voicemail Courier Service provided for our upcoming Conference and Tradeshow. It is a great way to make communications between our Association and its members, with personal touch. The personalize message from our Association President was a success. Registration for our gala events was up 35% from last year.
Brendan Dolci, NY Association

Just wanted to thank you for all your hard work and recap where  we are so far.
I believe we’re in the last two months of our third campaign together and we are very pleased with the results you’ve generated. To date it’s been our most successful advertising campaign. The amount and quality of business you’ve helped us bring in is impressive to say the least and we intend to do our best to keep these new clients happy for years to come.

Your patience, willingness to try new exchanges and determination to help us achieve our goals is genuinely appreciated.
Keep up the good work.

Lynn F., Allstate

Industry examples

Increase exhibitors and Attendees:

Let us call all your contacts from previous shows for you, for less cost and time. Increase event attendance with a personal message.

Event, Seminar, Annual Meeting Invitations:

Changes in last minute details and printing or mailing delays can reduce the time you have to promote your event.

Boost responses to email or direct mail:

When targeted individuals get a personal voicemail, it gives them reason to look for and respond  to your email or direct mail. With VoiceMail Courier® call center, your delivered voice message will become a higher priority.

Cold Calls:

We make the calls for you. Many more than you can make in a day or week

Member Communications:

Fast delivery of information to your members or colleagues. Your colleagues will appreciate the delivery of a personal voice message.

Dealer Promotions:

VoiceMail Courier® call center has the ability to deliver a personalized offer related around a specific promotion or upcoming special event.

Service Satisfaction Follow-Up:

Let VoiceMail Courier® call center follow-up with your customers to make sure they are satisfied with the work that was done.

Recall Notices:

Proactively and conveniently contact your customers to schedule repairs for recall notices and get more than your share of recall business and additional customer pay revenue.


Our live operators will conduct precise surveys to help understand your market

Customer Service Follow-Up:

Let VoiceMail Courier® call center follow up with your customers to make sure they are satisfied with your products and services.

Client list update/verification:

VoiceMail Courier® call center will update and verify your existing client list by calling every contact number and labeling the precise outcome of every single call.

Special Offers and Discounts:

VoiceMail Courier® call center has the flexibility to contact a targeted group of customers and offer them special promotions to bring in additional business.

New Products and Services:

Notify customers about new products and services that are available or products related to existing programs customers are enrolled in.

Seminar Reminders and Events:

Use VoiceMail Courier® call center for special events, speakers, sales, promotions, etc. to increase awareness and boost attendance.

Get a Free Campaign Consultation Now!

    Business Marketing

    Call Center Services

    Let us do the heavy lifting by calling your prospect list, and report back with only those who have interest in your product/service, set appointments or notify your event.

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    Ringless Voicemail

    Send your message to their voice mail box, without ringing their phone. Ringless voicemail broadcast.

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    Campaign Guidance

    Our senior consultants provide you with complementary Professional Campaign Guidance and market advice.

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    Appointment Setting

    We set appointments with your prospect list. You receive an email with every appointment date. No lock-in contract.

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    Lead Generation

    Generate prequalified "sales-ready leads". Proven calling scripts available.

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